I finally finished this little jacket for Ethan that I started 2 months ago and was sitting waiting for me to put the pieces together.

I took the pattern from this book Weekend Crochet for Babies that I found at the library last year and just had to buy it for myself. I changed a few things as the original pattern called for a zipper and as you can see I only used one colour.

I have been doing a lot of crocheting lately and after seeing a lot of owls flying around the place on beanies, fabric etc I thought I would have a go at making a crochet owl toy.
Here is what I came up with:

I will be putting these little guy’s in my Made It store that will be opening at the end of this month.
I have also entered these guy’s into the Spotlight competition and would love it if you would head on over and vote for me!!!!!
Please stay tuned for lots more things to come.
Have a great day!