Hello everyone, how have you been. I was registering Bits & Bobs with a few sites today and it occurred to me that I haven’t posted on here since December and I have been making a few changes around here as you have probably noticed. My bad!
So what have I been up to, well first I have been making a few changes with what I want Bits & Bobs to be about. See the problem is I come up with these brilliant idea (well I think they are brilliant lol) and then I rush out and buy all the supplies I need and then start the project.
The only problem with this it happens too often and I have to many things on the go. And it also means that I have too many things that are different and it doesn’t really tell anyone what Bits & Bobs is all about.
So here is the the new and improved Bibs & Bobs 4 Bubs. I have already changed the look of the blog and I hope you like but would really love your feedback.
I finally started to make Pram/Stroller liners which are universal and came with matching seatbelt covers:

I have also re designed my capsule inserts which after you have used them to protect bub in the trolley capsules, you can use the insert to protect your car seat:

I also had some custom orders to complete:

And now for something a little bit cute. I have just uploaded 4 new Bunny Beanies to the Made It Store, hope you like them:

I pledge that I will be posting a lot more often to keep you up to date with all the lovely things I have in store with Bits & Bobs and much more.
Have a great day!!!!